Swagger UI 显示,但我得到一个“错误";指标但我、指标、错误、Swagger

2023-09-08 09:22:23 作者:唇香绕齿柔

My swagger UI displays and it is showing all of my routes. Everything looks great except there is a big red ERROR indicator on the lower right. When I click it I get:

       "message":"Can't read from file http://devxxxx.com:80/swagger/docs/v1"

记录访问swagger ui.html报404错误

How do I fix this error?


That's the validator badge. The error is most likely because the on-line validator can't reach the OpenAPI spec on your server (devxxxx.com). I am assuming this server is behind a firewall.

Depending on the version of Swagger UI, you may be able to disable the validator badge. In 2.x, you can simply add validatorUrl: null to the SwaggerUi constructor in index.html. In 3.x, there have been problems disabling the validator badge. For more details search for validatorUrl issues over on GitHub.