如何配置“HTTPS"?带有 drf-yasg 自动生成的招摇页面的方案?招摇、自动生成、页面、方案

2023-09-07 14:09:44 作者:宿命1.场

I know in a traditional swagger YAML file, we can define the schemes with:

  - http
  - https


schemes: [http, https]

However, how can I do the same thing with auto-generated swagger page with the drf-yasg library?

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Now, the generated swagger page only contains HTTP schemes, but HTTPS is missing. I've tried set the DEFAULT_API_URL in setting.py to https://mybaseurl.com, but it seems not to be working.


There is a solution.

When defining get_schema_view() in urls.py, use this code:

schema_view = get_schema_view(
    openapi.Info( ... ),
    url='https://example.net/api/v1/', # Important bit

Note: You can either use https or http because of that better use this solution with an environment variable for different setups.