
2023-09-07 14:08:16 作者:不离不弃


i have released a version 1 on some app in the market. Can anyone tell me how to give an update of it?



增加的Andr​​oid值:&LT版本code 属性;清单> 元素您的Andr​​oidManifest.xml 在建,标志,像你一样最初zipalign的APK 转到 http://market.android.com/publish/Home 点击上的应用程序名称 点击 [上传升级] 选择应用程序,并上传为你​​做最初

Increase the value of the android:versionCode attribute of the <manifest> element in your AndroidManifest.xml Build, sign, zipalign the apk as you did originally Go to http://market.android.com/publish/Home Click on the app name Click on [Upload Upgrade] Select the app and upload as you did originally