
2023-09-08 09:19:31 作者:熬夜等你上线你却隐身


I've a Sqlite with many tables and I want to make a TextBox which is able to search on SQL , How can I do this?



First of all: That Question is too big of a scope. Second: You usually don't want people to search your entire DB... for obvious reasons: Content they should not see, like Passwords of other users. So you have to compile a List of all contents that should be searchable first. On each of those tables in your DB you can search the columns by for example:

SELECT linkToResource FROM tableName WHERE allowedContent1 like '%searchphrase%' or allowedContent2 like '%searchphrase%';

这是假设你有一个表形如 ID,linkToResource,allowedContent1,allowedContent2,secretContent1,secretContent2

This is assuming you have a Table shaped like ID, linkToResource, allowedContent1, allowedContent2, secretContent1, secretContent2


In Android that statement looks like this:

    public List<String> getLinksToSearchResults(String searchphrase) {
    List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();

    Cursor c = yourDatabase.query(
            new String[] { "linkToResource" }, // The column you want as a result of the Query
            "allowedContent1 like '%?%' OR allowedContent2 like '%?%'", // The where-Clause of the statement with placeholders (?)
            new String[] { searchphrase, searchphrase }, // One String for every Placeholder-? in the where-Clause
            null, // if you like a order by put it here
            null, // group by here
            null  // having here
    while (c.moveToNext()) {
    return result;


You retrieve a String from a EditText like this:

String searchphrase = searchphraseEditText.getText();


Here is hoping you got an idea of it :D Next time please provide some code with a more precise problem (e.g. "Why won't the following code return a four digit int?")
