
2023-09-07 13:42:45 作者:敬你春风野马

我已经看过了很多的android教程在互联网上。在这些教程中,他们使用了上下文语境无处不在。我知道关键字意味着在Java中,但我不能让这种平等,在Android上关键词编程。例如,在 AlertDialog.Builder ,在developer.android.com现场,只有一个在参数上下文的参考,但我无法了解这是什么这里的意思。

I have looked at a lot of android tutorials over the internet. In these tutorials they use the this context for the context everywhere. I know what this keyword means in Java, but I can't make equal this, with the this keyword in Android programming. For example, at AlertDialog.Builder, on the developer.android.com site, there is only one reference at the parameters to the Context, but I can't learn what this this means here.



if you have an Activity you can use this because:

是一个类的当前实例 在一个活动是从类上下文继承 this is the current instance of a class an Activity is inherits from the class "Context"


so you can use your current Activity as a Context.

看这里的Acitivty文档: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/Activity.html

Look here for the Acitivty doc: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/Activity.html

和这里的解释: http://download.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/javaOO/thiskey.html