我怎样才能在UI线程等待一个信号量,但处理额外的调度要求? (像什么的MessageBox.show做本地)信号量、线程、UI、MessageBox

2023-09-07 13:27:11 作者:YXY你是我的宝


Normally, when the UI thread calls something like MessageBox.Show(), the current code execution doesn't continue until the user clicks OK, but the program will continue to run other code dispatched on the UI thread.


In this question, I had a problem with too many delegates dispatched on the UI Thread being called at once. I wanted to pause at certain points before continuing execution.


In my new Error handler, I use semaphores to make sure no more than one error is being handled at once. I dispatch a MessageBox to alert the user, and when they click "OK", I release the semaphore, allowing the next error to be processed.

现在的问题是,它不是按预期。如果两个分派呼叫的HandleError发生的同时,第一个调度呼叫的MessageBox.show,而第二个块中的UI线程。奇怪的是,到的MessageBox.show派出调用()从来没有被执行 - 整个应用程序只是挂起 - 这样是应该的信号量,当用户点击确定被释放的永久锁定。这是什么产品所没有的?

The problem is that it's not behaving as expected. If two dispatched calls to HandleError happen at the same time, the first one Dispatches a call to MessageBox.Show, and the second one blocks the UI Thread. Strangely, the dispatched call to MessageBox.Show() never gets executed - the entire Application just hangs - so the semaphore that's supposed to be released when the user clicked "OK" is permanently locked. What is this solution lacking?

private static ConcurrentDictionary<Exception, DateTime> QueuedErrors = new ConcurrentDictionary<Exception, DateTime>();
private static Semaphore Lock_HandleError = new Semaphore(1, 1); //Only one Error can be processed at a time
private static void ErrorHandled(Exception ex)
    DateTime value;
    QueuedErrors.TryRemove(ex, out value);

private static bool ExceptionHandlingTerminated = false;
public static void HandleError(Exception ex, string extraInfo = "", bool showMsgBox = true, bool resetApplication = true)
    if( ExceptionHandlingTerminated || App.Current == null) return;
    QueuedErrors.TryAdd(ex, DateTime.Now); //Thread safe tracking of how many simultaneous errors are being thrown

    Lock_HandleError.WaitOne(); //This will ensure only one error is processed at a time.

    if( ExceptionHandlingTerminated || App.Current == null )

        if( QueuedErrors.Count > 10 )
            ExceptionHandlingTerminated = true;
            throw new Exception("Too many simultaneous errors have been thrown in the background.");

        if( Thread.CurrentThread != Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher.Thread )
            //We're not on the UI thread, we must dispatch this call.
            ((App)App.Current).Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action<Exception, string, bool, bool>)
                delegate(Exception _ex, string _extraInfo, bool _showMsgBox, bool _resetApplication)
                    ErrorHandled(_ex); //Release the semaphore taken by the spawning HandleError call
                    HandleError(_ex, _extraInfo, _showMsgBox, _resetApplication);
                }, DispatcherPriority.Background, new object[] { ex, extraInfo, showMsgBox, resetApplication });

        if( showMsgBox )
            //IF the UI is processing a visual tree event (such as IsVisibleChanged), it throws an exception when showing a MessageBox as described here: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/forums/en-US/wpf/thread/44962927-006e-4629-9aa3-100357861442
            //The solution is to dispatch and queue the MessageBox. We must use BeginInvoke because dispatcher processing is suspended in such cases.
            Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action<Exception, String>)delegate(Exception _ex, String _ErrMessage)
                MessageBox.Show(_ErrMessage, "MUS Application Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
                ErrorHandled(_ex); //Release the semaphore taken by the spawning HandleError call
            }, DispatcherPriority.Background, new object[]{ ex, extraInfo });
    catch( Exception terminatingError )
        ExceptionHandlingTerminated = true;
        Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action<String>)delegate(String _fatalMessage)
            MessageBox.Show(_fatalMessage, "Fatal Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Stop);
            if( App.Current != null ) App.Current.Shutdown(1);
        }, DispatcherPriority.Background, new object[] { fatalMessage });
        ErrorHandled(ex); //Release the semaphore taken by this HandleError call which will allow all other queued HandleError calls to continue and check the ExceptionHandlingTerminated flag.


Don't worry about the odd missing message string, I cut a lot of details out to make the pattern clearer.



Assuming that the behavior you are looking for is for each message box to wait in turn until the previous message box has been cleared, you want a pattern like this:

在该事件源队列阻塞队列的消息 在该事件源调用在后台线程来过程中的队列委托 在进程队列授人需要一个锁(因为你这样做),取出一个消息,并调用(同步)到UI线程来显示信息。然后循环,做同样的事,直到队列为EMPTY的。


So something like this (untested code ahead):

private static ConcurrentQueue<Tuple<Exception, DateTime>> QueuedErrors = new ConcurrentQueue<Tuple<Exception, DateTime>>();
private static Object Lock_HandleError = new Object();
public static void HandleError(Exception ex, string extraInfo = "", bool showMsgBox = true, bool resetApplication = true)
    QueuedErrors.Enqueue(new Tuple<Exception, String>(ex, DateTime.Now));
            () => {
                lock (Lock_HandleError)
                    Tuple<Exception, DateTime> currentEx;
                    while (QueuedErrors.TryDequeue(out currentEx))
                           currentEx.Item1, // The exception
                           "MUS Application Error", 