
2023-09-07 13:14:15 作者:戀上妳de吻


I have a xml file with info inside. I want to convert the xml file to sqlite database without using a SD card in android platform(Java Language). Does anyone have any idea how to do it?


您可以使用使用XML文件更新SQLite数据库解析器(DOM,SAX,JSON)。把你的XML文件中的资产的文件夹,然后用Asset Manager的帮助下阅读。有关此更多信息请参考下面的链接。

You can use parser(DOM, SAX, JSON) for update sqlite database using the XML file. Put your xml file in the assets folder and then read with help of Asset Manager. For more info about this refer below links.

[http://www.androidhive.info/2012/05/android-rss-reader-application-using-sqlite-part-2/] [1]

