Java 2D的ArrayList和排序Java、ArrayList

2023-09-07 13:05:36 作者:这个夏う很冷

我要排序的过道该项目位于例如购物清单: [面包] [1] [牛奶] [2] [谷物] [3]

I need to sort a shopping list by the aisle the item is located for example: [Bread] [1] [Milk] [2] [Cereal] [3]

我打算与ArrayList中做到这一点,不知道如何使一个2D的ArrayList 奖金的问题:如何通过过道数量排序任何想法

I am planning to do this with ArrayList and was wondering how to make an 2D ArrayList Bonus questions: any ideas on how to sort by the aisle number?



Don't you have a class that holds your item + aisle information? Something like:

public class Item {
  private String name;
  private int aisle;

  // constructor + getters + setters 

如果你不这样做,考虑使一个 - 它绝对不是试图坚持这些属性为ArrayList中在另一个ArrayList的一个更好的方法。一旦你有说类,你要么需要编写的比较为对象,或进行'项目'的可比通过自身:

If you don't, consider making one - it's definitely a better approach than trying to stick those attributes into ArrayList within another ArrayList. Once you do have said class, you'll either need to write a Comparator for your objects or make 'Item' Comparable by itself:

public class Item implements Comparable<Item> {
  .. same stuff as above...

  public int compareTo(Item other) {
    return this.getAisle() - other.getAisle();


Then all you do is invoke sort:

List<Item> items = new ArrayList<Item>();
... populate the list ...