
2023-09-07 13:03:18 作者:陌上轻尘风无言

据我所知,有早期的Qt版本中没有模块,有单独的类具有不同的功能,包括图形。 OpenGL的支持,实现了在Qt 1.2。然而,QPainter的,而QImage存在于早期版本。 那么,是不是正确地说,这些类是本地(换句话说,阶级,这是原始的); OpenGL的类 - 非本地(它是一个separste分支,毕竟)? I`d想了解关于本机方法(用于创建2D图形)演变IH的Qt创建2D图形,该模块的影响Qtopengl的进一步演变为非本地和替代的方式。





到现在为止,我觉得你本机是指非OpenGL的2 / 3D。这可能意味着软件光栅化,而不是直接经过的显示驱动程序。所以,还是对Qt的水平,但没有对OpenGL类的Qt。




基于Qt的OpenGL 一 OpenGL理论及QOpenGLWidget

As I understand, there were no modules in early Qt versions, there were separate classes with different functions, including graphical. Opengl support was realized In qt 1.2. However, QPainter, QImage existed in early versions. So, is it correct to say that these classes are native (in other words, classes, which were primordial); opengl classes - non-native (it is a separste branch, after all)? I`d like to learn a further evolution of Qtopengl as non-native and alternative way for creating 2D graphics ih Qt, influence of this module on evolution of native methods (for creating 2D graphics).


So, is it correct to say that these classes are native?

No, it is not.

The reason for that is "native" would mean different things to different people. It is the matter of interpretation. See your other question how confused we got.

By now, I think you mean "non-opengl" 2/3D by native. That probably means software rasterization as opposed to be going through the display driver directly. So, still on the Qt level, but without the opengl classes in Qt.

Now, this is the point where we can come back to QImage and QPainter. Yes, QPainter is basically the initial generation for software rasterization from the times where GPUs were not so common and cheap as these days.

They are basically doing the rendering purely with software techniques. That is, it is more limited, but it worked without more expensive and less common hardwares around.

(Those were the times of Quake and other software products, fun times looking at it from today's perspective ...)
