
2023-09-07 12:20:28 作者:梦里称王


Last night I updated my android studio to 0.5.3 and since than i am getting this error message whenever I am trying to generate a signed-apk. It does not occur when I am just running the project over android studio.


I tried rebuilding, cleaning project, restarting android-studio, reimporting the project, no success. I am pretty desperate right now


i found out that actually debug-unaligned is not generated... But why is that? And why do i need to generate it if i am just trying to sign the app



In 0.5.3, we tried to speed up the build process by not having it do a full build to an APK except when it needs to, but we missed some cases where it needs to.

您可以按照 HTTPS进展:// code.google.com / P /安卓/问题/详细信息?ID = 67948 但在此期间,你可以解决它通过运行 assembleRelease 任务,通过命令行或从摇篮任务视图:

You can follow progress in https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=67948 but in the meantime you can work around it by running the assembleRelease task, either from the command line or from the Gradle tasks view: