将 FirestoreCollection 转换为数组?数组、转换为、FirestoreCollection

2023-09-07 12:13:02 作者:ヽ人来疯

我在将 Firestore 数据转换为 chart.js 图表的数组时遇到了困难.

I'm having difficulty converting the Firestore data into an array for the chart.js graph.

从 Firestore 获取数据


    //Get data
    this.updatesCollection = this.afs.collection(pathStats);

    this.updates = this.updatesCollection.valueChanges();



this.chart = new Chart('canvas', {
  type: 'line',
  data: {
    labels: ['5/18/18', '5/19/18', '5/20/18', '5/21/18', '5/22/18', '5/23/18'],
    datasets: [{
      label: 'Filled',
      backgroundColor: 'gray',
      data: [4, 3, 5, 2, 6, 7],
      fill: true,

我现在使用硬编码值 [4, 3, 5, 2, 6, 7] 作为我的数据点的占位符.我将如何使用来自 Firestore 的值?

I'm using the hard-coded values [4, 3, 5, 2, 6, 7] right now as a placeholder for my data points. How would I use the values coming from Firestore instead?


正如下面 Ohad 所说:

As mentioned by Ohad below:

let chartData;

this.updatesCollection.ref.get().then((querySnapshot) => {
    chartData = querySnapshot.docs.map(doc => doc.data());

这将为您提供一个数组,其中每个文档都在其自己的索引中.您可以像访问任何其他对象一样访问单个属性(即 chartData[0].wheelCount).

This gets you an array with each document in it's own index. You can access individual properties like any other object (ie chartData[0].wheelCount).


调用 this.updatesCollection.get() 将异步返回一个 querySnapshot 对象.

Calling this.updatesCollection.get() will asynchronously return a querySnapshot object.

querySnapshot 有一个 docs 属性,它是一个包含零个或多个 documentSnapshot 对象的数组.可以使用 .data() 方法提取其中的数据.

A querySnapshot has a docs property which is an array containing zero or more documentSnapshot objects. The data in these can be extracted with the .data() method.


The code for producing your array could look like this:

let chartData = this.updates.collection.get()
  .then(querySnapshot => {
    chartData = querySnapshot.docs.map(doc => doc.data())