
2023-09-07 11:07:38 作者:天青色等烟云


I need to make an asynchronous call to a secure (HTTPS) URL for the same domain.


Currently the page is working with regular HTTP (non-secure).


In other words: this is calling an URL in the same domain but using HTTPS.


Before switching this calls to HTTPS I ended implementing a server-side proxy to allow cross-domain AJAX calls, but now I'm facing same origin policy since HTTP and HTTPS are considered different origins too. So this proxy is unusable.

摘要:如何做跨域,在这种情况下asnynchronous POST请求


在我不能接受任何回答提示JSONP。异步调用必须使用POST动词。 在我使用jQuery的最新版本。答案可以基于此库,或任何其它解决此问题。 访问整个页面通过HTTPS不是一个解决方案。 在服务器平台是微软.NET 4.0(ASP.NET 4.0)。 UDPATE :CORS是不是一种选择。有这个在现代浏览器没有广泛的支持。 I couldn't accept any answer suggesting JSONP. Asynchronous calls must be using POST verb. I'm using latest version of jQuery. Answer could be based on this library, or any other solving this problem. Accessing the entire page over HTTPS isn't a solution. Server platform is Microsoft .NET 4.0 (ASP.NET 4.0). UDPATE: CORS isn't an option. There's no wide support for this in modern browsers.



First of all, I've +1 both questions from @missingo and @PiTheNumber.


After spending a lot of hours, I've arrived to the conclusion I'm going to switch the entire page to HTTPS. That's because:


Most moderns browsers support CORS, but Internet Explorer, starting from 8th version has a proprietary implementation (XDomainRequest object), which may be disabled in some computers (mine had cross-domain request disabled by default in Internet security zone).

Opera不支持CORS。 12版本将支持它,但是这不是一个选择,因为用户首先应该采用这种新版本,这不会是在2天。

Opera doesn't support CORS. 12th version will support it, but this isn't an option as users should adopt this new version first, and this won't be in 2 days.


I need to do cross-domain requests since Web client application must request a RESTful service layer located in another domain. No way.


Switching everything to HTTPS makes the service layer proxy approach work again (this is the expected behavior).


Thanks anyway because both answer have helped me a lot for arriving to this conclusion.

@Sam又增加了一个评论,可能是有趣的人。它是关于如何让在Internet Explorer 8 CORS和9(见#7):

@Sam has added a comment that could be interesting for anyone. It's about how to get CORS in Internet Explorer 8 and 9 (see #7):