Postman 上的授权类型 Bearer Token类型、Postman、Token、Bearer

2023-09-07 10:56:14 作者:偏偏套路得人心

我正在尝试使用 Postman 测试一些端点.

I'm trying test a few endpoints using Postman.


All endpoint, require a token which can be obtain by log-in.


请求 #1


After login success, I have access to the token from the response, then I store that token in my global variable.

let token = pm.response.json().location
console.log('Token : ', token.split("?token=")[1]);
pm.globals.set("token", token)

我需要将该令牌用作我的请求 #2 的授权类型承载令牌.

I need to use that token as Authorization type Bearer Token for my request #2.

我可以复制 &将其粘贴到令牌框中,但我试图避免手动执行此操作,有没有办法自动执行此操作,以便我可以按顺序运行这 2 个请求?

I can copy & paste that in the token box, but I tried to avoid doing that manually, is there a way to do it automatically so I can run these 2 requests in sequence?



At first, create an environment ( top right corner of postman - image below ) This is not a mandatory step by I suggest you to do for better handling of variables


I have modified the script to suit your need

var jsonData = JSON.parse(responseBody);
postman.setEnvironmentVariable("ID", jsonData.Location.split("?token=")[1]);


Now this will export the value of the token ( screenshot below )


All you have to do next is to call the variable in request #2

这样您就不必每次都手动复制、粘贴到请求 #2 中