定义路由在.NET 3.5与WCF路由、定义、NET、WCF

2023-09-07 04:43:00 作者:逝水无痕

我想降级的.NET 4.0应用程序,以3.5和我有一个时间地狱试图定义一个路线:

I am trying to downgrade a .NET 4.0 app to 3.5 and I am having a hell of a time trying to define a route:


In 4.0, it looks like this:

RouteTable.Routes.Add(new ServiceRoute("UploaderService", 
          new WebServiceHostFactory(), typeof(UploaderService)));

它看起来像.NET 3.5没有ServiceRoute对象。我失去了一些东西明显在这里?

It looks like .NET 3.5 does not have the ServiceRoute object. Am I missing something obvious here?


有一个在3.5 WCF路线不支持 - 这个功能在4.0中引入。在3.5,你不得不忍受的丑.SVC的URI的REST服务。

There's no support for WCF routes in 3.5 - this feature was introduced in 4.0. In 3.5 you have to live with the "ugly" .svc URIs for REST services.


So for the route example you mentioned, you'd add a file called something like UploaderService.svc with the following content:

<%@ ServiceHost
    Factory="System.ServiceModel.Activation.WebServiceHostFactory" %>


Remember to use the fully-qualified name of UploaderService, if it's not on the "" namespace. And the file is usually a single-line file, I only broke it down here for readability purposes.