
2023-09-07 10:13:02 作者:爱情是我丢掉的垃圾

可能重复:结果  How为所有决议案创建Android应用程序?


Hi all iam developing an android app and running it on htc sensation xl. But when i run it on other devices smaller or bigger i got my design on them differently. i applied the code that support the sreen size in the menifest but still no change. My question is that in eclipse we got three drawable folders if i made my design high and low and medium doese it make any change ? Thank you


您可以通过阅读开始的支持多种屏幕和设计多个屏幕在 developer.android.com 。

You can start by reading Supporting Multiple Screens and Designing for Multiple Screens over at developer.android.com.