
2023-09-07 04:34:35 作者:  俄們的爱,最终变空白丶

我正在开发一个 android 应用程序,在该应用程序中遇到了需要获取当前用户邮政编码的情况,因此我正在获取当前的纬度和经度,但是有没有办法通过提供纬度来找到当前的邮政编码和经度.

I am working on a android app in which i came across a situation in which i need to get the current user postcode, so i am getting the current latitude and longitude but is there any way to find the current postcode by providing latitude and longitude.


If any web service or database to provide this information is available then please let me know about it.


如果你说的是 PostalCode 那就用这个吧..

If you are talking about PostalCode then, use this..

Geocoder geoCoder = new Geocoder(getApplicationContext(), Locale.getDefault());
List<Address> address = null;

if (geoCoder != null){
   try {
       address= geoCoder.getFromLocation(latPoint, lngPoint, 1);
       } catch (IOException e1) {
       // TODO Auto-generated catch block
      if (address.size()> 0){
        String postCode = address.get(0).getPostalCode();

对 Manifest 文件有这两个权限..

With these two permission on Manifest file..

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" /> 
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />