
2023-09-07 02:24:22 作者:心上锁

我是新来的Andr​​oid和尝试安装Eclipse的靛蓝我有Windows 7和随后的步骤进行安装,但是当我开始创建项目,并尝试运行它给我的错误

错误产生最终的归档文件:java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException:13 Android的包装问题。 Whwn我清洗了红叉出去,但是当我运行它再次表明毫瓦这一点。



preSSAlt + Ctrl + Del - >点击启动任务管理器 - >选择进程选项卡,并在该选择adb.exe,然后点击结束进程


搜索您的计算机.android文件夹并删除该文件夹。 步骤搜索文件夹,点击此链接


I am new to Android and trying to install Eclipse-indigo i am having windows 7 and followed the steps for installation ,but when i have started creating the project and try to run it gives me the error

Error generating final archive: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 13 Android Packaging Problem. Whwn i clean it the red cross goes out but when i run it again shows mw this.

谷歌神秘的Fuchsia OS

i dont get what could be the problem ,please help out.Thanks in Advance.


press "alt+ctrl+del" -> click on "start task manager"-> select process tab and within that select the adb.exe and click on end process.

close eclipse application

search for .android folder in your computer and delete that folder. steps to search for folder click on this link

restart your eclipse. create new avd and enjoy your coding... :)