Java的OpenCV的 - 而conevrting位图太错误位图、错误、Java、OpenCV

2023-09-07 02:23:14 作者:把我掐死算了

我使用的Java OpenCV的,我尝试加载一张照片,在它运行的模板匹配。 模板匹配方法处理垫的对象,所以我需要加载图像,并将其转换成垫。

I am using Java openCV, and i try to load a photo and run the template matching over it. The template matching method deals with Mat objects, so i need to load the images and convert them into Mat.


The way i do it is:

Bitmap i = BitmapFactory.decodeFile("/sdcard/TVguide/Detection/detected.jpg");
image = Utils.bitmapToMat(i);

这样我加载从我的Andr​​oid SD卡中的照片,并试图将其转换成使用OpenCV的方法bitmapToMat垫目标。 的问题是,在转换时,应用程序崩溃。

This way i load a photo from my android SD card, and try to convert it into Mat object using the openCV method bitmapToMat. The problem is that on the conversion, the application crashes.


Here is the LogCat:

            03-14 15:15:57.636: W/dalvikvm(1059): Exception Ljava/lang/UnsatisfiedLinkError; thrown while initializing Lorg/opencv/android/Utils;
            03-14 15:15:57.636: D/AndroidRuntime(1059): Shutting down VM
            03-14 15:15:57.636: W/dalvikvm(1059): threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x40015578)
            03-14 15:15:57.640: E/AndroidRuntime(1059): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
            03-14 15:15:57.640: E/AndroidRuntime(1059): java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
            03-14 15:15:57.640: E/AndroidRuntime(1059):     at com.marakana.Preview$3.onPictureTaken(
            03-14 15:15:57.640: E/AndroidRuntime(1059):     at android.hardware.Camera$EventHandler.handleMessage(
            03-14 15:15:57.640: E/AndroidRuntime(1059):     at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
            03-14 15:15:57.640: E/AndroidRuntime(1059):     at android.os.Looper.loop(
            03-14 15:15:57.640: E/AndroidRuntime(1059):     at
            03-14 15:15:57.640: E/AndroidRuntime(1059):     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
            03-14 15:15:57.640: E/AndroidRuntime(1059):     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
            03-14 15:15:57.640: E/AndroidRuntime(1059):     at$
            03-14 15:15:57.640: E/AndroidRuntime(1059):     at
            03-14 15:15:57.640: E/AndroidRuntime(1059):     at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
            03-14 15:15:57.640: E/AndroidRuntime(1059): Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Couldn't load opencv_java: findLibrary returned null
            03-14 15:15:57.640: E/AndroidRuntime(1059):     at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary(
            03-14 15:15:57.640: E/AndroidRuntime(1059):     at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(
            03-14 15:15:57.640: E/AndroidRuntime(1059):     at<clinit>(
            03-14 15:15:57.640: E/AndroidRuntime(1059):     ... 10 more
            03-14 15:16:03.472: I/Process(1059): Sending signal. PID: 1059 SIG: 9


I can't understand if i am doing something wrong or it is just a buggy openCV.

谢谢 的Eyal



You need to convert your bitmap to the RGBA format:

Bitmap bmp32 = i.copy(Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888, true);

其实这是对Android的OpenCV的用户群讨论最多的问题: https://开头


The fix for this problem is already available in OpenCV trunk and will be included into the next release of OpenCV.


Also you can read image using the OpenCV API:

Mat image = Highgui.imread("/sdcard/TVguide/Detection/detected.jpg");