
2023-09-07 01:15:40 作者:愿时光静好ζ


Is there a library or a class/function that I can use to convert an integer to it's verbal representation?

例输入: 4567788

输出示例: 400万,五百67000,788

有关的参考,我使用C#和.NET 3.5。

For reference, I am using C# and .NET 3.5.


如果您使用code发现: 转换的号码字C# 你需要它的十进制数字,这里是如何做到这一点:

if you use the code found in: converting numbers in to words C# and you need it for decimal numbers, here is how to do it:

public string DecimalToWords(decimal number)
    if (number == 0)
        return "zero";

    if (number < 0)
        return "minus " + DecimalToWords(Math.Abs(number));

    string words = "";

    int intPortion = (int)number;
    decimal fraction = (number - intPortion)*100;
    int decPortion = (int)fraction;

    words = NumericToWords(intPortion);
    if (decPortion > 0)
        words += " and ";
        words += NumericToWords(decPortion);
    return words;