
2023-09-07 01:10:09 作者:耍酷小男人


I need to do a not complicated thing, one could believe. I want to get Event instances from calendars on my phone along with titles of the events. I found several answers on Stack Overflow telling to query Instances table to get recurring events also, which I did, but I can't figure out how to get Event names from this query, because they are in Events table. I found no example of how to do this. I tried to create a custom query by joining Events with Instances, but I don't know if it's even possible to query Calendar tables like this (bypassing API).

难道有人知道如何简单地得到所有 Event.TITLE Instance.DTSTART 对于给定的起始和终止日期?

Do anybody know how to simply get all Event.TITLE, Instance.DTSTART for given start and end dates?



Ok, I probably need to get some sleep...

实例表中有列 CalendarContract.Instances.TITLE 持有,即使它不是在实例表。查询命中一些查看不是实例表。我发誓我想这样,但没有找到标题在智能感知列。

Instances table has column CalendarContract.Instances.TITLE which holds the title even though it's not in the Instances table. The query hits some View not the Instances table. I would swear I tried this way and couldn't find TITLE in intellisense for columns.


Full solution here for anybody who may find this useful:

DateTime startDate = DateTime.now().withTime(0, 0, 0, 0);
DateTime endDate = startDate.plusDays(7);

Uri.Builder eventsUriBuilder = CalendarContract.Instances.CONTENT_URI
ContentUris.appendId(eventsUriBuilder, startDate.getMillis());
ContentUris.appendId(eventsUriBuilder, endDate.getMillis());

Uri eventsUri = eventsUriBuilder.build();
Cursor cursor = null;
cursor = getContentResolver().query(
        new String[] {CalendarContract.Instances.DTSTART, CalendarContract.Instances.TITLE},
        CalendarContract.Instances.DTSTART + " >= " + startDate.getMillis() + " and " + CalendarContract.Instances.DTSTART + " <= " + endDate.getMillis() + " and " + CalendarContract.Instances.VISIBLE + " = 1",
        CalendarContract.Instances.DTSTART + " ASC");
