
2023-09-07 00:45:12 作者:旧念碎影丶独留我一袭烟岚

其实,我需要4 methodes。我使用C#.NET 3.5和Windows Forms。

Actually I would need 4 methodes. I'm using c# .NET 3.5 and windows forms.

在得到所有控制特性(也子性质在喜欢的MenuItems等),从目前的形式,其中名称匹配列表名称//不工作正常 将结果保存到XML //不知道如何保存结果 从XML负载的结果, 从XML最后设置加载控件属性。 //工作的伟大


Now I'm doing this form step 1:

  public static Dictionary<string, object> xmlDictionary;
  public Control FindControlRecursive(Control container, List<string> properties)
     foreach (Control controls in container.Controls)
        Type controlType = controls.GetType();
        PropertyInfo[] propertyInfos = controlType.GetProperties();
        foreach (PropertyInfo controlProperty in propertyInfos)
           foreach (string propertyName in properties)
              if (controlProperty.Name == propertyName)
                 xmlDictionary.Add(controlProperty.Name, controlProperty.GetValue(controls, null));
        Control foundCtrl = FindControlRecursive(controls, properties);
        if (foundCtrl != null)
           return foundCtrl;

     return null;


Calling the metod:

     List<string> propertyNames = new List<string>(); //list of all property names I want to save


     FindControlRecursive(this, propertyNames); //this is the current form


This method doesn't return all control properties and I dont know why.


//field = some new field
//newValue = new value
    FieldInfo controlField = form.GetType().GetField(field, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public);
    object control = controlField.GetValue(form);
    PropertyInfo property = control.GetType().GetProperty(newValue);
    property.SetValue(control, items.Value, new object[0]);

步骤4的工作很好,但不知道如何遍历XML reults。

Step 4 work great, but don't know how to iterate through XML reults.


Could you please help me to solve these problems.




Are you aware that with Windows Forms there is an existing settings infrastructure you can use to save settings of controls and your forms? From the designer, select a control and in the properties under Application Settings, then Property Binding, you can bind any property on the control to a property that will be generated to access and save that property value. The settings can be application or user scoped. These settings will also use isolated storage, allow you to upgrade to different versions of settings to maintain user settings between versions, and many other features. So this may not directly answer your question, but may be a better solution for your particular problem. Once you bind a property you can save changes whenever you want, on a per user or per application basis like so:

Settings.Default.TextBox1 = textBox2.Text; Settings.Default.BackColor = Color.Blue; Settings.Default.Save();

Settings.Default.TextBox1 = textBox2.Text; Settings.Default.BackColor = Color.Blue; Settings.Default.Save();