我能使用Microsoft同步框架,以两个SQL 2008数据库同步?我能、框架、两个、数据库

2023-09-07 00:43:18 作者:那些年一起糟蹋的女孩。

我看到有关同步SQL Server 2008与SQL CE的例子。但是,并非两个SQL 2008数据库。 如果是可以做到的,你见过例如code怎么办呢?

I've seen examples about synchronizing SQL 2008 with SQL CE. But not two SQL 2008 databases. If it can be done, have you seen example code about how to do it?



This is possible with the new providers for the Collaboration Scenario in Sync Framework 2.0.

美中不足的是,你将不能够使用SQL Server 2008的更改跟踪功能。该供应商将增加存储过程和触发器等你的数据库架构。

The catch is that you will not be able to use SQL Server 2008's Change Tracking feature. The provider will add stored procedures and triggers etc to your database schema.