在 symfony 中显示存储在 BLOB 数据库中的图像数据库中、图像、symfony、BLOB

2023-09-07 00:02:23 作者:独言

我在我的 GETer 实体中加载我的图像(blob 数据)当我在 GETer 中返回 ($this->foto) 时,我在屏幕上看到:Resource id #284当我像这样更改我的 GETer 时: return stream_get_contents($this->foto);我看到了这些: ?JFIF ?(,,,,,,,, (和更多)

I load my image (blob data ) in my GETer Entity When I just return ($this->foto) in my GETer I see :Resource id #284 on the screen When I change my GETer like this : return stream_get_contents($this->foto); I see these : ���JFIF��� ( ,,,,,,,, ( and more )

在我的控制器中调用 index.html.twig 以显示我的所有实体

In my Controller a call the index.html.twig to show all my entities

 * Lists all Producten entities.
public function indexAction()
    $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();

    $entities = $em->getRepository('CustomCMSBundle:Producten')->findAll();

    return $this->render('CustomCMSBundle:Producten:index.html.twig', array(
        'entities' => $entities,

现在在我看来 (index.html.twig) 我喜欢展示图片

Now in my views ( index.html.twig ) I like to show the picture

       {% for entity in entities %}
                <img  src="{{ entity.foto}}" alt="" width="80" height="80" />
                {{ entity.foto }}
                    <a href="{{ path('cms_producten_show', { 'id': entity.id }) }}">show</a>
                    <a href="{{ path('cms_producten_edit', { 'id': entity.id }) }}">edit</a>
    {% endfor %}




你使用的是 <img src="(raw image)"> 而不是

You are using <img src="(raw image)"> instead of <img src="(image's url)">

一种快速的解决方案是将您的图像编码为 base64 并将其嵌入.

A quick solution is to encode your image in base64 and embed it.


$images = array();
foreach ($entities as $key => $entity) {
  $images[$key] = base64_encode(stream_get_contents($entity->getFoto()));

// ...

return $this->render('CustomCMSBundle:Producten:index.html.twig', array(
    'entities' => $entities,
    'images' => $images,


{% for key, entity in entities %}
  {# ... #}
  <img alt="Embedded Image" src="data:image/png;base64,{{ images[key] }}" />
  {# ... #}
{% endfor %}