获取新创建的窗口,使用Win32 API钩子钩子、窗口、API

2023-09-07 09:41:07 作者:看破尘世冷暖


This may be a long short or not even possible but no harm in asking.


What I am trying to do is monitor an application for any new windows it creates in its MDI control. I have implemented hooking in C# and can capture the MDICREATE window message but because I need to get information about the window after is has been created the MDICREATE message isn't much help because at that stage the window hasn't been created in the other application yet.


Without going into to much detail I just need to be able to see when a new window has been created.





I'm not aware of another message that gets the info that you are looking for off hand. But if that message works for you, you could hook that message and then do another scan of the windows to find the one you are missing. You can enumerate the child windows of the parent window. Use Spy++ to see the exact window hierarchy.
