
2023-09-06 23:58:29 作者:-歪果仁


I've been recently working on a program that convert flac files to mp3 in C# using flac.exe and lame.exe, here are the code that do the job:

ProcessStartInfo piFlac = new ProcessStartInfo( "flac.exe" );
piFlac.CreateNoWindow = true;
piFlac.UseShellExecute = false;
piFlac.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
piFlac.Arguments = string.Format( flacParam, SourceFile );

ProcessStartInfo piLame = new ProcessStartInfo( "lame.exe" );
piLame.CreateNoWindow = true;
piLame.UseShellExecute = false;
piLame.RedirectStandardInput = true;
piLame.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
piLame.Arguments = string.Format( lameParam, QualitySetting, ExtractTag( SourceFile ) );

Process flacp = null, lamep = null;
byte[] buffer = BufferPool.RequestBuffer();

flacp = Process.Start( piFlac );
lamep = new Process();
lamep.StartInfo = piLame;
lamep.OutputDataReceived += new DataReceivedEventHandler( this.ReadStdout );

int count = flacp.StandardOutput.BaseStream.Read( buffer, 0, buffer.Length );

while ( count != 0 )
    lamep.StandardInput.BaseStream.Write( buffer, 0, count );

    count = flacp.StandardOutput.BaseStream.Read( buffer, 0, buffer.Length );

下面我将命令行参数来告诉lame.exe写其输出到标准输出,并利用Process.OutPutDataRecerved事件收集的输出数据,其中大部分是二进制数据,但DataReceivedEventArgs.Data是键入串,我必须把它转换为byte []之前,把它放到缓存中,我认为这是丑陋的,我试过这种方法,但结果不正确。

Here I set the command line parameters to tell lame.exe to write its output to stdout, and make use of the Process.OutPutDataRecerved event to gather the output data, which is mostly binary data, but the DataReceivedEventArgs.Data is of type "string" and I have to convert it to byte[] before put it to cache, I think this is ugly and I tried this approach but the result is incorrect.


Is there any way that I can read the raw redirected stdout stream, either synchronously or asynchronously, bypassing the OutputDataReceived event?


PS: the reason why I don't use lame to write to disk directly is that I'm trying to convert several files in parallel, and direct writing to disk will cause severe fragmentation.




I don't think lame and flac uses Stdout to output its converted data. I think they write the converted files directly to disk. The StdOut is only used to output info/error messages.