如何在 Twig 中检查 null?如何在、Twig、null

2023-09-06 23:38:15 作者:难过了,可以假装快乐,和别人一起兴奋时就能遗忘了自己

我应该使用什么构造来检查 Twig 模板中的值是否为 NULL?

What construct should I use to check whether a value is NULL in a Twig template?



Depending on what exactly you need:

is null 检查是否值为 null:

{% if var is null %}
    {# do something #}
{% endif %}

is defined 检查是否变量已定义:


is defined checks whether the variable is defined:

{% if var is not defined %}
    {# do something #}
{% endif %}

另外,is sameas 测试,其中对两个值进行类型严格比较,可能对检查 null 以外的值(如 false)感兴趣:

Additionally the is sameas test, which does a type strict comparison of two values, might be of interest for checking values other than null (like false):

{% if var is sameas(false) %}
    {# do something %}
{% endif %}