
2023-09-06 23:17:21 作者:苏染°


I was wondering if there is a way I could hook the windows processes to check if any suspicious programs are running like (Wireshark, Fiddler, OllyDBG, etc).


I want to hook the windows processes so it will close the client or pop-up a message in real time when it detects a unwanted process.


If you guys can provide me with any links to doing this that would be nice.



您可以检测过程中的创作通过使用WMI创造事件的 的Win32_Process 的Win32_Process 与每个进程创建的,因此寻找新的实例会告诉你有关进程创建的(近)实时的实例。

You can detect process creations by using WMI creation events for Win32_Process. An instance of Win32_Process is created with each process, so looking new instances will tell you about process creation in (near) real time.

要获得WMI创建事件看到这个页面: HTTP:/ /msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.management.eventquery.aspx 。(编辑:不同的链接,现在在C#示例)

To receive WMI creation events see this page: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.management.eventquery.aspx ( different link, now to sample in C#).