
2023-09-06 23:13:05 作者:亽苼勞資說ㄋ匴


I would like to add the current location as a request variable to URL's loaded in the webview so I can use this information on the page without reloads or extra requests.


I have a WebviewClient with shouldOverrideUrlLoading but this doesn't receive requests when they are passed using loadUrl. I read it's possible to intercept the requested URL using shouldInterceptRequest but I'm on API level 8 and don't really want to change this only for this.


Is there a way to manipulate the URL before it gets loaded by the webview?


是的,改变网​​址要求,然后使用loadURL 。您可以创建一个函数,它会修改网​​址,并调用它的使用loadURL shouldOverrideUrlLoading

Yes, change the Url before you call for loadUrl. You can create one function which modifies the Url and call it for loadUrl and in shouldOverrideUrlLoading

public Url addLocationToUrl(Url url) {  
    Url newUrl = url;
    //do something with url
    return newUrl;


//and in your WebViewClient
public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url) {
    return true;