
2023-09-06 23:00:47 作者:一个字让我上网上瘾,君

我想知道如果DLL在Web或桌面环境使用。一种方法是检查的HttpContext 为空或不是。但我想知道是否有其他更好的方式来做到这一点。

I want to know if the DLL is being used in web or desktop context. One way is to check if HttpContext is null or not. But I want to know if there is other better way to do it.



We went through the very same thing, as we have a .DLL that runs in both a Windows and a Web app and you've already nailed the way to determine which is which.

public bool IsWebApp()
    return (HttpContext.Current != null);


Then within your application, you just query:

if ( this.IsWebApp() )
    //do webby stuff...