
2023-09-06 22:59:25 作者:思君水遥遥


In previous versions of android we could block SMS by using following code:

 <receiver android:name=".broadcastreceivers.OnSMSReceived"
                  android:exported="true" android:permission="android.permission.BROADCAST_SMS">

            <intent-filter android:priority="1000">
                <action android:name="android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED"/>

和广播接收器,abortBroadcast()函数prevent短信无法进入收件箱。 但这种方法是不工作在奇巧如,从奇巧短信将仅由默认SMS应用程序被接收。有没有什么解决办法创造奇巧短信拦截器的应用程序?

and in broadcast receiver, abortBroadcast() function prevent SMS from going to inbox. But this method is not working in kitkat as, from Kitkat SMS will only be received by default SMS app. Is there any workaround to create SMS blocker app in kitkat?




A change was introduced in KitKat that only allows one application at a time (the default SMS app) to have write permissions on the SMS DB and to be able to consume it.


You have 2 ways of solving your problem:


Follow Google advice on how to request the user to switch the default SMS application to your application during the time when you need to perform your changes (and once you finish doing it, allow the user to switch back to the original default SMS app).


Find a temporary hacky way to do what you need to do. As a hint, there is a hidden API: AppOpsManager#setMode that you could potentially exploit in order to give your application write permissions (OP_WRITE_SMS), head over to this XDA page to learn more about it: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2551072


Needless to say, any hacky solution is just temporary as a private/hidden API could change at any moment. It is strongly encouraged to implement what Google advised us to implement which again is described here.