HTML 的输入类型 =“密码"的 Windows 批处理等效项是什么?批处理、密码、类型、HTML

2023-09-06 22:35:42 作者:独特情趣

我需要从 Windows 脚本中的用户那里获取身份验证凭据,但经典的第一个 Google 结果"方法:

I need to get authentication credentials from the users within a Windows script but the classic "first Google result" approach:

SET /P USR=Username: 
SET /P PWD=Password: 

不太令人满意,所以我想知道是否可以说与 HTML 的输入 type="password" 的等价物"?

is less than satisfying, so I was wondering if there's let's say an "equivalent" to HTML's input type="password"?


Any comment would be really appreciated, thanks much in advance!



@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
    :: Build a Visual Basic Script
    set vbs_=%temp%	mp$$$.vbs
    set skip=
    findstr "'%skip%VBS" "%~f0" > "%vbs_%"
    :: Prompting without linefeed as in Item #15
    echo.|set /p="Password: "

    :: Run the script with Microsoft Windows Script Host Version 5.6
    for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%a in ('cscript //nologo "%vbs_%"') do set MyPass1=%%a

    echo.|set /p="Retype  : "

    for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%a in ('cscript //nologo "%vbs_%"') do set MyPass2=%%a

    :: Clean up
    for %%f in ("%vbs_%") do if exist %%f del %%f
    :: Demonstrate the result
    if "%MyPass1%"=="%MyPass2%" (
      echo The entered password was %MyPass1%
      ) else (
      echo No match)
    endlocal & goto :EOF
    'The Visual Basic Script
    Set WshPass = WScript.CreateObject("ScriptPW.Password") 'VBS
    Password=WshPass.GetPassWord() 'VBS
    WScript.Echo PassWord 'VBS