
2023-09-06 22:02:43 作者:ベ純情、小莮子

我组装我的框架和组装测试。但是,我需要测试内部类或替换某些服务。 例如, - 我需要测试的内部帮手。 - 我的框架阅读和分析其他应用程序创建的文件。我手动为测试创建这些文件。但我不能把它从单独的程序我的框架。我需要创建模拟的内部服务来提供这些文件。

I have assembly with my framework and assembly with tests. But I need to test internal classes or substitute some services. For example, - I need to test internal helper. - My framework read and analyze files created by other application. I create these files manually for tests. But I can't give it to my framework from separate assembly. I need to create mock for internal service to provide these files.



If You want Your internal classes to be visible to your tests You must make your test assembly a friend of your framework assembly.


[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("MyTestAssembly")]


下面是一个朋友介绍组件链接到MSDN文档 - http://bit.ly/FriendAssemblies

Here is a link to MSDN Documentation about friend assemblies - http://bit.ly/FriendAssemblies