
2023-09-07 09:25:33 作者:积极向丧


I am not matlab programmer but I need to create an interface using matlab! This qusetion should be very easy for matlab programmers :)

我有一个包含单选按钮组面板OperationPanel"的界面,4 个单选按钮,其中的名称是addBtn,subBtn,divBtn,mulBtn",我有命令按钮,我希望在单击按钮时获取所选单选按钮的值

I have an interface which contains radio button group panel "OperationPanel" ,4 radioButtons inside it which names are "addBtn, subBtn, divBtn, mulBtn" and I have command button, I want when I click over the button to get the value of the selected radioButton


What is the commad I should use ? I google it and found that if I make



I tired it but it doesn't work!! Can I hava some help!



Here's a quick example to illustrate how to get the value of a radio-button group component:

function simpleGUI
    hFig = figure('Visible','off', 'Menu','none', 'Name','Calculator', 'Resize','off', 'Position',[100 100 350 200]);
    movegui(hFig,'center')          %# Move the GUI to the center of the screen

    hBtnGrp = uibuttongroup('Position',[0 0 0.3 1], 'Units','Normalized');
    uicontrol('Style','Radio', 'Parent',hBtnGrp, 'HandleVisibility','off', 'Position',[15 150 70 30], 'String','Add', 'Tag','+')
    uicontrol('Style','Radio', 'Parent',hBtnGrp, 'HandleVisibility','off', 'Position',[15 120 70 30], 'String','Subtract', 'Tag','-')
    uicontrol('Style','Radio', 'Parent',hBtnGrp, 'HandleVisibility','off', 'Position',[15  90 70 30], 'String','Multiply', 'Tag','*')
    uicontrol('Style','Radio', 'Parent',hBtnGrp, 'HandleVisibility','off', 'Position',[15  60 70 30], 'String','Divide', 'Tag','/')

    uicontrol('Style','pushbutton', 'String','Compute', 'Position',[200 50 60 25], 'Callback',{@button_callback})

    hEdit1 = uicontrol('Style','edit', 'Position',[150 150 60 20], 'String','10');
    hEdit2 = uicontrol('Style','edit', 'Position',[250 150 60 20], 'String','20');
    hEdit3 = uicontrol('Style','edit', 'Position',[200  80 60 20], 'String','');

    set(hFig, 'Visible','on')        %# Make the GUI visible

    %# callback function
    function button_callback(src,ev)
        v1 = str2double(get(hEdit1, 'String'));
        v2 = str2double(get(hEdit2, 'String'));
        switch get(get(hBtnGrp,'SelectedObject'),'Tag')
            case '+',  res = v1 + v2;
            case '-',  res = v1 - v2;
            case '*',  res = v1 * v2;
            case '/',  res = v1 / v2;
            otherwise, res = '';
        set(hEdit3, 'String',res)


Obviously you could add more validations on the input numbers and so on...