
2023-09-06 21:49:00 作者:"__ 輪 徊。


Suppose I run some query and get a cursor which I want to use to update the entries in the database. What happens if the database is updated while the cursor is not closed? For example, suppose the cursor is pointing at the 1st entry in the result set and I run a query that updates the 10th element. Does the current cursor reflect those changes?


光标在内存中的结果的副本,这样你就可以随意修改数据库。因为它是一个副本,它不会反映任何的变化 - 你需要重新查询该

The cursor is a copy of the results in memory, so you can modify the database at will. Since it's a copy, it won't reflect any changes - you'd need to requery for that.


However, it is absolutely imperative that you close it as soon as possible, to save memory and to make your app not crash when you switch activities.