
2023-09-06 19:29:20 作者:9o後灬寻爱

我用类从如何支持阿拉伯文字中的Andr​​oid?显示阿拉伯文字。在安卓2.1 - 2.3文本位于左侧,所以我用安卓重力=正确的,但在安卓3.0+阿拉伯文文本已经自动aligment在右边,如果我用安卓重力=右将aligment在左侧。我怎样才能让文字与同对准不同的Andr​​oid版本?

I use class from How to support Arabic text in Android? to show Arabic text. In Android 2.1 - 2.3 text located in the left side, so I use android:gravity="right", but in Android 3.0+ Arabic text has automatically aligment in right side and if I use android:gravity="right" in will be aligment in the left side. How can I make the text to be aligned with the same in different Android versions?



You can create different versions of the layouts for different API versions.

正如你可以在这里阅读:。 COM /引导/主题/资源/提供-resources.html 你可以说,正常的文件夹( / RES /布局/ )与老设备的布局然后又是一个用于支持它的那些: / RES /布局-11 /

As you can read here: you can have say the normal folder (/res/layout/) with the layout for old devices and then another one for the ones that support it: /res/layout-11/

布局-V11布局将只与Android 3.0及以上设备的应用。

The layout inside layout-v11 will only be applied on devices with android 3.0 and over.

希望它帮助。 (UPD:API级别改为11)

Hope it helps. (UPD: API level changed to 11)


在Android 4.2以下是本机的功能:)

On Android 4.2 This is a native feature :)
