
2023-09-06 18:31:20 作者:脑袋困掉了


I have a function whose input argument can either be an element or a list of elements. If this argument is a single element then I put it in a list so I can iterate over the input in a consistent manner.


def my_func(input):
    if not isinstance(input, list): input = [input]
    for e in input:

我正在使用现有 API,因此无法更改输入参数.使用 isinstance() 感觉很麻烦,那么有没有正确的方法来做到这一点?

I am working with an existing API so I can't change the input parameters. Using isinstance() feels hacky, so is there a proper way to do this?


我喜欢 Andrei Vajna 对 hasattr(var,'__iter__') 的建议.请注意一些典型 Python 类型的这些结果:

I like Andrei Vajna's suggestion of hasattr(var,'__iter__'). Note these results from some typical Python types:

>>> hasattr("abc","__iter__")
>>> hasattr((0,),"__iter__")
>>> hasattr({},"__iter__")
>>> hasattr(set(),"__iter__")

这具有将字符串视为不可迭代的额外优势 - 字符串是一个灰色区域,因为有时您希望将它们视为一个元素,而其他时候则视为一个字符序列.

This has the added advantage of treating a string as a non-iterable - strings are a grey area, as sometimes you want to treat them as an element, other times as a sequence of characters.

请注意,在 Python 3 中,str 类型 确实 具有 __iter__ 属性,这不起作用:

Note that in Python 3 the str type does have the __iter__ attribute and this does not work:

>>> hasattr("abc", "__iter__")