C ++ / CLI前置声明声明、CLI

2023-09-06 18:24:15 作者:天黑路滑人心混杂i


        引用类ISYSession {};

            ///<总结>文汇冯AFW-工具,Methoden< /总结>
                静态无效CopyAFWParamsToIDictionary(AFWParams&安培; parameterIn,系统::收藏集:: IDictionary的^ parameterOut);
                静态AFWParams * CopyIDictionaryToAFWParams(系统::收藏集:: IDictionary的^字典);
                静态虚拟:: ISYSession ^的getSession(AFWAppClass * ACL);



C:\开发... \ xy.dll:警告C4944:'ISYSession:达斯符号卡恩nicht AUSC:\开发... \ xy.dll'importiert werden:假人:: ISYSessionIST bereits IM aktuellen Bereich vorhanden。

(英文:'虚拟:: ISYSession:符号不能从xy.dll进口:假人:: ISYSession已经存在于当前范围)

错误C3699:^:Diese Referenzierung卡恩nicht献给巢穴典型值Schleupen :: CS :: SY :: ISYSessionverwendet werden

(英文:此引用不能用于类型假人:: ISYSession')



 引用类ISYSession {};
vue2 Vue Cli 其他配置



I have a header looking like this:

    namespace Dummy
        ref class ISYSession {};

        namespace Afw
            /// <summary>Sammlung von AFW-Utility-Methoden</summary>
            public ref class AfwUtility
                static void CopyAFWParamsToIDictionary(AFWParams &parameterIn, System::Collections::IDictionary^ parameterOut);
                static AFWParams* CopyIDictionaryToAFWParams(System::Collections::IDictionary^ dictionary);
                static void ShowExceptionLog(System::String^ sessionId);
                static void ShowStatementLog(System::String^ sessionId);
                static Dummy::ISYSession^ GetSession(AFWAppClass *acl);

If I don't use the header for my ref class I can't use it in the same assembly. But with this header my code doesn't compile anymore.

These are the first two errors:

c:\develop...\xy.dll : warning C4944: 'ISYSession' : Das Symbol kann nicht aus 'c:\develop...\xy.dll' importiert werden: 'Dummy::ISYSession' ist bereits im aktuellen Bereich vorhanden.

(english: "'Dummy::ISYSession': The symbol can't be imported from xy.dll: Dummy::ISYSession already exists in the current scope.")

error C3699: "^": Diese Referenzierung kann nicht für den Typ "Schleupen::CS::SY::ISYSession" verwendet werden.

(english: "This reference can't be used for Type 'Dummy::ISYSession'.")

How is this supposed to work? For me it seems that the compiler thinks that the ISYSession ref class is defined in the same assembly (which it isn't, it's defined in a different .NET DLL).


    ref class ISYSession {};

That's not a forward declaration, that's an actual class definition for a class with no members. Fix:

    ref class ISYSession;