SQL Server的SMO - Backuping - 如何判断故障/成功呢?如何判断、故障、Server、SQL

2023-09-06 18:18:18 作者:平凡之路


If you execute backup using SMO, after successful completion, I test the SqlError for null, considering that the backup completed without errors:


But, as you can see, it actually return an error of class 0 number 3014 meaning success.




I'm afraid that there are multiple of "gotchas" here that I don't want to bite me in the ass later when this code goes production :)



I agree there are multiple "gotchas" and I personally think Microsoft SMO events are poorly implemented as the ServerMessageEventArgs contains a Property Error which not always provides information about an error but messages about successful operations!!

作为一个例子: 在与code 4035错误是一个信息消息。不是一个错误。 在与code 3014错误是发生在成功完成一条信息。不是一个错误

As an example: The "error" with code 4035 is an information message. Not an error. The "error" with code 3014 is an information message that happens when completed successfully. Not an error

另请注意,发生错误时的信息事件并不经常发生。它实际发生时SQL Server发送一条消息,可能是关于已成功完成操作的信息

Also notice that the Information event does not always happen when an error has occurred. It actually happens whenever SQL Server sends a message that could be information about the operation that has finished successfully


I am also concerned about not handling the errors/success properly, but checking sqlError as Null is a bad idea since it will not be ever null and it will always contain some message about successful operation or an error. And assuming that Information event occurs when there is an error is also a bad idea.


I suggest to handle the errors through the SqlError.Number and depending on the SMO event it has been triggered.


I have made the following code to create a database backup. It is in VB.NET but in C# would be similar. It receives necessary parameters including a delegate where to invoke events (to be handled at GUI), a progress to report the percentage and error handling depending on event triggered and the SqlError.Number as mentioned

Public Sub BackupDatabase(databaseName As String, backupFileFullPath As String, optionsBackup As OptionsBackupDatabase, operationProgress As IProgress(Of Integer),
                          operationResult As Action(Of OperationResult)) Implements IDatabaseManager.BackupDatabase
    Dim sqlBackup As New Smo.Backup()
    sqlBackup.Action = Smo.BackupActionType.Database
    sqlBackup.BackupSetName = databaseName & " Backup"
    sqlBackup.BackupSetDescription = "Full Backup of " & databaseName
    sqlBackup.Database = databaseName
    Dim bkDevice As New Smo.BackupDeviceItem(backupFileFullPath, Smo.DeviceType.File)
    sqlBackup.Initialize = optionsBackup.Overwrite
    sqlBackup.Initialize = True
    sqlBackup.PercentCompleteNotification = 5

    AddHandler sqlBackup.PercentComplete, Sub(sender As Object, e As PercentCompleteEventArgs)
                                          End Sub
    AddHandler sqlBackup.Complete, Sub(sender As Object, e As ServerMessageEventArgs)
                                       Dim sqlMessage As SqlClient.SqlError = e.Error
                                       Dim opResult As New OperationResult()
                                       Select Case sqlMessage.Number
                                           Case 3014
                                               opResult.operationResultType = OperationResultType.SmoSuccess
                                               opResult.message = "Backup successfully created at " & backupFileFullPath & ". " & sqlMessage.Number & ": " & sqlMessage.Message
                                           Case Else
                                               opResult.operationResultType = OperationResultType.SmoError
                                               opResult.message = "ERROR CODE " & sqlMessage.Number & ": " & sqlMessage.Message
                                       End Select
                                   End Sub

    AddHandler sqlBackup.NextMedia, Sub(sender As Object, e As ServerMessageEventArgs)
                                        Dim sqlMessage As SqlClient.SqlError = e.Error
                                        Dim opResult As New OperationResult()
                                        opResult.operationResultType = OperationResultType.SmoError
                                        opResult.message = "ERROR CODE:  " & sqlMessage.Number & ": " & sqlMessage.Message
                                    End Sub

    AddHandler sqlBackup.Information, Sub(sender As Object, e As ServerMessageEventArgs)
                                          Dim sqlMessage As SqlClient.SqlError = e.Error
                                          Dim opResult As New OperationResult()
                                          Select Case sqlMessage.Number
                                              Case 4035
                                                  opResult.operationResultType = OperationResultType.SmoInformation
                                                  opResult.message = sqlMessage.Number & ": " & sqlMessage.Message
                                              Case Else
                                                  opResult.operationResultType = OperationResultType.SmoError
                                                  opResult.message = "ERROR CODE " & sqlMessage.Number & ": " & sqlMessage.Message
                                          End Select
                                      End Sub
    Catch ex As Exception
        Throw New BackupManagerException("Error backing up database " & databaseName, ex)
    End Try
End Sub