
2023-09-06 18:15:01 作者:森很绿却致人迷途

我有我目前正在开发Android应用程序。我创建的图标文件(.png),放在在 / RES /绘,华电国际(和LDPI&安培; MDPI)的文件夹。在我的清单我有

I have an Android app that I am currently developing. I have created icons (.png) and placed them in the /res/drawable-hdpi (and ldpi & mdpi) folders. In my manifest I have

<application android:icon="@+drawable/icon" android:label="@string/app_name">


my icons are all named icon.png.


I have compiled the source and when I run it on the emulator, the icon shows up in the desktop launcher. But when I copy the apk to my actual phone, the desktop launcher shows the default package icon rather than my custom icon. Although, funny enough when I am actually installing the app, the package manager does show the icon. But once it is installed, the icon does not show.


How do I make my application icon show up as the launcher icon?



删除+,在@ +绘/图标

remove the "+" in "@+drawable/icon"