
2023-09-06 17:59:43 作者:曾经的誓言,只因太年轻


Given a date and time structured as:

2011-10-21 14点44分19秒

"2011-10-21 14:44:19"


which is known to be Pacific Time (adjusted for Daylight Savings when appropriate), I need to parse the DateTime and convert it to UTC, irrespective of the current server time.


I have seen this very similar question that starts with the assumption that the original DateTime is in UTC:


我想它应用到我的情况,但不知道如何开始一个太平洋时间(PST或PDT如适用)串并得出一个UTC日期时间。具体而言,该解决方案适用的标志 DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal ,而我需要承担起太平洋时间。

I'm trying to apply that to my situation, but don't understand how to begin with a Pacific Time (PST or PDT as appropriate) string and arrive at a UTC DateTime. Specifically, that solution applies the flag DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal, whereas I need to assume Pacific Time.



You are going to have to use TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeToUtc(DateTime, TimeZoneInfo) to make the conversion. The server's timezone doesn't matter. Use FindSystemTimeZoneById() to select the timezone you pass as the second argument. You'll want "Pacific Standard Time" for the id.


This function uses a timezone database that's stored in the registry and maintained by Windows. Timezone rules change over time, particularly daylight savings transitions, so keeping Windows Update active on that machine is important to allow Microsoft to update the database. Clearly knowing exactly where the string came from is important for this to work correctly at all.