Microsoft Teams:获取用户的时区?时区、用户、Microsoft、Teams

2023-09-06 17:45:49 作者:你拿什么资本跟我傲!

I'm developing a bot for MS Teams and I'm looking to know the timezone of a user, to deliver messages at an appropriate time (e.g. not in the middle of the night).

I didn't found something appropriate in the bot framework REST API. Although messages we receive include a '' property, which is a start, but definitely not enough to time messages as we would like.

解决方案 视频平台暑期布局线下 创造场景,挖掘价值,抢夺用户时间

And the answer is: there’s a localTimestamp property that can be used to get the time offset, which is good enough for what I need.