
2023-09-06 17:19:15 作者:じ☆為い愛沉淪

提示符,请在那里可以阅读有关创建自定义布局列表preference(背景和布局顶部面板,面板按键)。遇见 - 仅适用于自定义行的例子。对不起 - 谷歌翻译

Prompt please where it is possible to read about creating a custom layout listpreference ( background and layout top panel, panel button ). Met - examples only for custom row. Sorry - google translate.


您不能创建一个目录preference自定义布局。你可以,但是,创建自己的定制对话preference ,并设置了看起来像任何你想。

You cannot create a custom layout for a ListPreference. You can, however, create your own custom DialogPreference and set that up to look like whatever you wish.

例如,这里是一个对话preference 一个使用 TimePicker 来让用户选择一时间。 这是一个对话preference ,允许用户选择颜色。

For example, here is a DialogPreference that uses a TimePicker to allow the user to choose a time. Here is a DialogPreference that allows the user to choose a color.