
2023-09-06 17:16:29 作者:心碎了无痕


I am going to implement plugin pattern in my Android application.


public abstract class PluginReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver


public class SmsPluginReceiver extends PluginReceiver

PluginReceiver 类包含像调用getIcon 的getName 等。

SmsPluginReceiver 的Andr​​oidManifest.xml 注册为具有特定意图筛选器操作接收器:

SmsPluginReceiver is registered in AndroidManifest.xml as a receiver with specified intent-filter action:

<receiver android:name=".plugin.sms.SmsPluginReceiver">
        <action android:name="hsz.project.plugin" />


In main application I am searching for all available plugins with PackageManager:

PackageManager manager = getPackageManager();
Intent intent = new Intent("hsz.project.plugin");
List<ResolveInfo> matches = manager.queryBroadcastReceivers(intent, 0);

和我得到了一个 ResolveInfo 对象。

我不知道在所有我应该怎么做吗? - 如何访问 SmsPluginReceiver 数据(图标,名称,...)

I do not know at all what should I do with it - how to access SmsPluginReceiver data (icon, name, ...) ?



A plug-in architecture in Android can be REAL tricky. How tricky depends on what approach you need. I had a project where they wanted to integrage plug-in fragments into the main apps Activity. If you take that approach, the plug-ins will have to be signed with the same key as the main app.


If you can integrate plug-ins by simply launching activities, then I would recommend using PendingIntents. Somehow, you have to get your plug-in to register the PendingIntents into plug-in slots to they can be activated. I used package manager to identify new plug-ins, sent it an intent instructing it to register itself, then exposed a ContentProvider so it could register itself. I then called the PendingIntent's it registered to integrate it into the app experience.
