
2023-09-06 17:15:55 作者:糖小逗


This one is pretty out there, but I can't find any posts addressing it anywhere. For Google Maps API v3, you can add custom styling to the map elements:

var pinkParksStyles = [
 featureType: "all",
 stylers: [
  { saturation: -80 }
 featureType: "poi.park",
 stylers: [
  { hue: "#ff0023" },
  { saturation: 40 }

map.setOptions({styles: pinkParksStyles});

有谁知道有什么方法可以自定义样式应用到一个Android MapView类?谢谢!

Does anyone know of any way to apply custom styling to an Android MapView?? Thanks!!!


我最初的想法是将继承图形窗口和覆盖的抽奖活动。在使用 Col​​orMatrixColorFilter 的组合的OnDraw事件更换颜色的画布和 AvoidXfermode 。 Thees应该有所帮助:

My initial thoughts would be to subclass MapView and override the on draw event. Have the onDraw event replace the colors in the canvas using a combination of ColorMatrixColorFilter and AvoidXfermode. Thees should help as well:

