Linphone会的Andr​​oid prepare_sources.shAndr、Linphone、oid、sh

2023-09-06 17:12:01 作者:浪迹天涯i

我试图编译为Android Linphone会,但我,但我不能设法通过罚球。我已经安装了所有的依赖和下载NDK。有没有安装NDK的方法吗?我没有发现它!我在Ubuntu 10.11的工作。当我执行prepare_sources.sh我得到的输出是:

I am trying to compile linphone for android but I'm but I can't manage to pass throw I have installed all dependencies and download ndk. Is there a way to install ndk? I didn't found it! I'm working in Ubuntu 10.11. The output I get when I execute is:

Applying patch to ffmpeg
patching file submodules/externals/ffmpeg/libavcodec/arm/int_neon.S
Hunk #1 FAILED at 35.
Hunk #2 FAILED at 55.
2 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file submodules/externals/ffmpeg/libavcodec
cd: 12: can't cd to /home/glot/git/linphone-android/submodules/libilbc-rfc3951
iLBC prepare stage failed
find: «../../libvpx/»: No existe el archivo o directorio
cp: el destino, «../../libvpx/», no es un directorio
VP8 prepare stage failed.
cd: 16: can't cd to /home/glot/git/linphone-android/submodules/mssilk
SILK audio plugin prepare state failed.




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确保你已经做到了这一点:混帐混帐克隆:// --recursive// *的--recursive部​​分是非常重要然后执行:apt-get的安装的autoconf automake的libtool的pkg配置去你的项目的根目录:CD /家庭/用户/项目// wherver你的项目在您的项目根:出口PATH = / home / user中/ Android的NDK:$ PATH //无论您的Andr​​oid NDK存储在然后运行./$p$ //你的项目的根仍然之后做到这一点:在你的项目根/家庭/用户/ Android的NDK / NDK的构建//太