Capifony 无法下载作曲家 - 不遵循重定向无法下载、作曲家、重定向、Capifony

2023-09-06 16:25:56 作者:摸摸大

I'm using Capifony to deploy my Symfony2 application, but as of today it can't download composer - jenkins output:

[32m--> Downloading Composer[0m
* executing "sh -c 'cd /data/www/testing/s00110/releases/20150426161117 && curl -s | php'"
servers: ["*domain*"]
[*domain*] executing command
** [out :: *domain*] <html>
** [out :: *domain*] <head><title>302 Found</title></head>
** [out :: *domain*] <body bgcolor="white">
** [out :: *domain*] <center><h1>302 Found</h1></center>
** [out :: *domain*] <hr><center>nginx</center>
** [out :: *domain*] </body>
** [out :: *domain*] </html>
command finished in 46ms

It seems composer moved their installer to https and Capifony isn't following the redirect. Is there an option to tell capifony where to download composer from?

解决方案 由于误操作卸载FusionAccess 5.1客户端附带安装的ffdshow解码器导致多媒体重定向视频播放黑屏

A new version of Capifony, version 2.8.5, has been released a couple of hours ago, which fixes this issue.

Updating to 2.8.5 should solve your problems with the Composer download.