
2023-09-06 16:09:17 作者:我该如何去述说。


I'm trying to figure out how to put multiple values into a WHERE clause; this is the kind of thing you'd use a IN clause for in SQL.


if (Log.Count() == 1)
    items = itemTable
        .Where(Item => Item.id == Log[0].i_id)
else if (Log.Count() == 2)
    items = itemTable
        .Where(Item => Item.id == Log[0].i_id || Item.id == Log[1].i_id)
else if (Log.Count() == 3)
    items = itemTable
        .Where(Item => Item.id == Log[0].i_id || Item.id == Log[1].i_id || Item.id == Log[2].i_id)


It's pretty nasty. I can't find a way to put multiple values into that WHERE clause without a big if statement. Any ideas?



I faced the same issue. Using Any or Contains as others have suggested gave me a Not Supported Exception. I posted on the Azure Mobile Services forum and was told that IN is not supported yet. They advised I use an extension method which worked perfectly for me. Below is the code I used.

 public static class Extensions
    public async static Task<List<T>> In<T>(this IMobileServiceTable<T> table, List<int> ids)
        var query = new StringBuilder("$filter=(");
        for (int i = 0; i < ids.Count; i++)
            query.AppendFormat("id eq {0}", ids[i]); //don't forget to url escape and 'quote' strings
            if (i < ids.Count - 1)
                query.Append(" or ");
        var list = await table.ReadAsync(query.ToString());
        var items = list.Select(i => MobileServiceTableSerializer.Deserialize<T>(i)).ToList();
        return items;


Your list can be populated by calling the extension method like this:

FavoriteJokesList = await jokeItemTable.In(favoriteJokeIds);
