
2023-09-07 08:56:46 作者:淡笑看过尘世。


I have some .csv files which I am parsing before storing in database.


I would like to make application more robust, and perform validation upon the .csv files before save in the database.


So I am asking you guys if you have some good links, or code examples, patterns, or advice on how to do this?


I will paste an example of my .csv file below. The different data fields in the .csv file are separated by tabs. Each new row of data is on a new line.


I have been thinking a little about the things I should validate against and came up with the list below (I am very open for other suggestions, in case you have anything which you think should be added to the list?)

Correct file encoding.
That file is not empty.
Correct number of lines/columns.
correct number/text/date formats.
correct number ranges.


This is how my .csv file looks like (file with two lines, data on one line is separated by tabs).

4523424 A123456 GT-P1000    mobile phone    Samsung XSD1234 135354191325234
345353  A134211 A8181   mobile phome    HTC S4112-ad3   111911911932343

该字符串重新$ P $以上psentation是这样的:

The string representation of above looks like:

"4523424\tA123456\tGT-P1000\tmobile phone\tSamsung\tXSD1234\t135354191325234\r

\n345353\tA134211\tA8181\tmobile phome\tHTC\tS4112-ad3\t111911911932343\r\n"


So do you have any good design, links, patterns, code examples, etc. on how to do this in C#?


adrianm和Nipun Ambastha

adrianm and Nipun Ambastha



I solved my problem by writing a solution to validate my .csv file myself.


It's quite possible a more elegant solution could be made by making use of adrianm's code, but I didn't do that, but I am encouraging to give adrianm's code a look.


空文件 新的FileInfo(dto.AbsoluteFileName).Length == 0

Empty file new FileInfo(dto.AbsoluteFileName).Length == 0

错误格式的文件行。     字符串[]项目= line.Split('\ t'); 如果(items.Count()== 20)

Wrong formatting of file lines. string[] items = line.Split('\t'); if (items.Count() == 20)

错误的数据类型相符领域。 INT编号;     布尔ISNUMBER = int.TryParse(dataRow.ItemArray [0]的ToString(),出号);

Wrong datatype in line fields. int number; bool isNumber = int.TryParse(dataRow.ItemArray[0].ToString(), out number);

缺少必需的行字段。 如果(dataRow.ItemArray [4]的ToString()长度和酰胺。1)

Missing required line fields. if (dataRow.ItemArray[4].ToString().Length < 1)


To work through the contents of the .csv file I based my code on this code example:

http://bytes.com/topic/ C-锐/答案/ 256797-读制表符分隔文件