
2023-09-06 11:33:21 作者:Autism (孤独症)

如何保护我的简单 WCF 服务中使用 FormsAuthentication 概念?

How to secure my simple WCF service using FormsAuthentication concept ?

的ServiceContract 类似于此:

    public interface MovieDb
        string GetData(int value);

        string Login(int value);

        string Logout(int value);


我在MVC 4应用程序进行身份验证和授权使用 FormsAuthentication

所有我能想到的是,如添加授权 Filter属性在的ServiceContract 类的顶部。

All I could think of is like adding Authorize Filter attribute at the top of the ServiceContract class.

任何指针简单来说,在很多AP preciated。谢谢你。

Any pointers in Simple terms in much appreciated. Thanks.



You can secure your WCF using username/password(Forms Authentication):



If you decide to use membership for Authentication in WFC configuration on server side you add a behavior configuring the Membership:

<behavior name="myBehavior"> 
    <serviceAuthorization principalPermissionMode="UseAspNetRoles" roleProviderName="myRoleProvider"/>
        <serviceCertificate findValue="*.mycert.net" storeLocation="LocalMachine" x509FindType="FindBySubjectName"/>
        <userNameAuthentication userNamePasswordValidationMode="MembershipProvider" membershipProviderName="myMembershipProvidewr"/>


Your WCF can be validate as simple as

  [PrincipalPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Role = "My Role")]
        public bool GetSomething(string param1)

您可以在这里找到更多的信息: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff650067.aspx

You can find additional information here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff650067.aspx