
2023-09-06 11:25:26 作者:忘卜掉的曾经


Suppose I put some points as (x1,y1) = (133,123), (x2,y2) = (149,136), (x3,y3) = (182,136) and so on which makes a shape something like this:


Now I want to change the position of these points as per the screen resolution such that the shape gets resized and gets centered and also such that the shape doesn't get damaged. Please help me.


您可以抓住从比例因子 DisplayMetrics 作为的 Android的 - 支持多种屏幕文档:

You can grab the scale factor from the DisplayMetrics as shown in the Android - Supporting Multiple Screens documentation:

final float scale = getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density;

乘以你的x和与 y坐标比例和你点屏幕密度无关。


To fit the image on the screen (or View probably), you can grab the width and height of your View. Check the width and height of your image and calculate the maximum scale factor.


Combine (multiply) both scale factors and your image should fit your View.